Greetings, It has been said that astronomy is a humbling and character-building experience. You know what else was humbling? Sending out an email by mistake, full of out-of-context Sagan quotes being used as placeholder text (thank you, Sagan Ipsum). We were testing out our email system and an email that was supposed to go to 10 people went to you and a couple hundred thousand friends. We apologize for any confusion, and appreciate those who have found the humor(?!) in it? – the star stuff at Mozilla PS. Expect some real fundraising emails from us soon - and if you want to give us a head-start (to soothe the bruised ego of our email team, or buy them some brownies) – donations of any size are appreciated. |
Mozilla基金会搞出这种狼来了的游戏... 二十年一遇。